Friday, July 27, 2012

"This is not a boring subject, it is YOU who are boring"

My teacher in Theology once told us: "This is not a boring subject, it is YOU who are boring" it's the same on how you deal with other people, the relationship is boring if you are not contributing any fun in it.

Try to recall or realize, so far what have you done in your current relationship? Have you done your part?

If you haven't done anything then it is your fault why the relationship breaks down. It is you that should be blamed why that other person was giving you the cold treatment.

Remember being in a relationship is the same when buying soda in a convenience store. You can't get that drink you want unless you give money.

Now give yourself some time to think and reflect maybe it is you who is lost, not the person you deal with. If you don't want to be with that person anymore, why not tell it straight to his/her face and cut it all off. End it right away! Prolonging the agony is not the right thing to do... telling the truth is better, for it will both set you free.

But if you are really sincere about strengthening your current relationship then try to change a bit, you will lose nothing anyway. Pride is not a good thing, so stop being who you are now and CHANGE! :)

                           **NOTE: I chose the title because I just want it to be my title. :))**

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